
As per the Higher Education Proclamation RADA College is mandated to:

  • Implement undergraduate and Graduate( postgraduate) programs, establish and run faculties, schools, institutes, and other academic and research units;
  • Offer academic certificate, diplomas, degrees and other academic awards, and to confer academic titles and medals for those who have made immense contributions;
  • Undertake relevant studies and researches that contribute to the development of the country and produce publications;
  • Organize and conduct seminars, workshops and symposia;
  • Establish relations (links) with other bodies (institutions).
  • Provide consultancy, training and other services to those who request.
  • Own property, enter into contracts and sue and be sued in its own name;
  • Levy for the services and generate revenue
  • Carry out such other activities


The mission of RADA College is to produce competent graduates, and provide need based community services on time and accessible place through training, consultancy, deliver applicable and economical problem solving research outputs, by creating access to education for the needy people through breaking location barriers to foster the social and economic development of the community in and beyond the country.


Be preferred College in Ethiopia and well known in Africa by the year 2025


The Guiding Values of RADA College shall constitute:

  • Quality service in research and education.
    • Passion to serve communities professionally with high integrity.
    • Continuous learning in the dynamic environment.
    • Pursuit of truth and freedom of expression of thought;
    • Institutional reputability based on successful execution of its mission;
    • Competitiveness in scholarship and cooperation with other institutions and organizations;
    • Institutional autonomy with accountability;
    • Participatory governance and rule of law;
    • Justice and fairness;
    • A culture of fighting corruption;
    • Quality and speedy service delivery;
    • Economical use of resources and effective maintenance of assets;
    • Recognition of merit; and
    • Democracy and multi-culturalism.

Objective of RADA College

RADA College ought to make every effort to carry through the following overall objectives:

  • To prepare knowledgeable, skilled, and attitudinally mature graduates in numbers with demand-based proportional balance of fields and disciplines so that the country shall become internationally competitive;
  • To promote and enhance research focusing on knowledge and technology transfer consistent with the country’s priority needs;
  • To ensure that education and research promote freedom of expression based on reason and rational discourse and are free from biases and prejudices;
  • To design and provide community and consultancy services that shall cater to the developmental needs of the country;
  • To ensure institutional autonomy with accountability;
  • To ensure the participation of key stakeholders in the governance of institutions;
  • To promote and uphold justice, fairness, and rule of law in institutional life